Salesians of
Don Bosco

Da mihi Animas cætera tolle
"Give me souls, take away the rest"



"It is not enough to love the young, they must know that they are loved."

The founder of this worldwide network of educational institutions of the most varied kinds is Don Bosco, who was born in the little village of Becchi in Northern Italy in 1815. He became a priest and dedicated his life for the welfare of youth. In 1859, he founded the Salesian Congregation. His ideas were revolutionary based on the fundamentals of Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness – Preventive System of Education. ‘Work and Prayer’ was Don Bosco’s motto.
St. Don Bosco was canonized in 1934 and was given the title, ‘Father and Teacher of Youth’.

“ Run, jump, shout;
but do not sin. ”


" If young people are educated properly, we have moral order; if not, vice and disorder prevail. Religion alone can initiate and achieve a true education. "



Salesians of Don Bosco

“It is not enough to love the young, they must know that they are loved.”



The Province of Bangalore dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus came into existence on 19th March, 1979. The Province comprises of two states, Kerala and three-fourth of Karnataka. At present, there are 351 members who reach out to the poorest of the poor through more than 50 centres. We become messengers of hope and channels of God’s love to thousands of poor people through our Mission Centres, Parishes, Trade Schools, Child Rehabilitation Centres, Youth Centres, Social Work Centres and our Shelters for the Children on the Street. Above all, we are at the service of young people, especially the poorest and the most abandoned. Founded by St. John Bosco, a nineteenth-century Italian educator, we are present in 133 countries.