25th All Kerala Don Bosco Inter School English Elocution Competition

“Neethu Prasannakumar Memorial”

Category 1

Classes : VIII to X

Topic: Examinations will no longer be a quality check, then what?

Cash Prize :

Winner Rs 2000/- 

Runner-up Rs 1000/-

Trophy & Certificate.

category 2

Classes :  XI TO XII
Topic : Why inflation risk is growing in India?
Cash Prize :
Winner Rs 2000/- & Don Bosco Ever Rolling Trophy 
Runner-up Rs 1000/-
Trophy & Certificate

Rules and Regulations

Real time

The maximum time for the speech is 4 minutes. The participants should stick to the time limit. Videos above the time limit will not be considered. Minus point will be awarded to those participants who exceed the time.


Make sure that your speech is audible and expressions are visible.

Dress Code

Students are requested not to use their school uniform during the competition.

Final Vote

The decision of the organising committee will be final and binding.

Important Dates

Registration should be done on or before 1st September, 2021.
Registered participants can upload their video entries on or before 6th September, 2021.


The video should be recorded at a stable position and without any editing and pause.

Award Points

The participants will be awarded points based on their presentation, fluency, pronunciation, content and expression.


The results of the competition will be announced on 30th September, 2021.

More details

Mode of Presentation : Video
Duration : 4 minutes
Registration Fee : Rs 100/-